About Us
Our name, The Journey Institute inherently represents our values and was chosen based on the meaning of the word "Journey." Journey represents our profession, the clients, the families we serve, and the road they each have to travel to rekindle their family bond. The Institute provide opportunities for families to rebuild their lives. The Journey Institute, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501 (C) (3) organization serving the areas of Broward, Dade, and Marion Counties. The institute reflects the diversity, interests, and expertise of our diverse group of professionals with expertise across a number of areas, including: assessments and diagnosis, counseling and treatment, parenting training and group therapy.
Our History
The Journey Institute, Inc. is a highly diverse pediatric behavioral health community mental health group practice dedicated to supporting children and families in their unique journey to mitigate the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). After recognizing the need for early childhood interventions and treatments that focus on families affected by trauma and substance use, the founders began to explore evidence-based practices to help service this population. Our goal is to provide individualized, comprehensive, culturally sensitive, and competent mental health care to the vulnerable early chldhood population.
Our Approach
The Journey Institute has developed research based programs that provide effective interventions for children and families exposed to trauma, abuse, and other forms of toxic stress. Our clinicians are master's or doctoral level educated and extensively trained in evidence-based models of early intervention and prevention services for preschoolers, children, adolescents and families.